ROSENBERG風機DKHR450-4K特點 + easy installation (DIN standard flange). + can be installed in any position. + easy cleaning and maintenance. + high pressure and volume output.
美國MINARIK電機調速箱MM23401C Minarik Drives' standard MM23401C drive is housed in a NEMA 4X enclosure guaranteeing protection from washdown applications, corrosive material, wind-blown dust,
西班牙LETAG電機RBMH-225M Type:RBMH-225M.B3.B Rpm:965r/min Hz:50Hz Volts:220/380V cosφ:0.82 Amps:92/53
美國LDC風扇AFX-155023 功率:55W 電壓:220V 電流:0.30A 風量:150CFM 風葉直徑:170 轉速:2700RPM 重量:1.55G 頻率:60HZ
德國德恩科DUNKERMOTOREN電機BG65x75參數 額定電壓:42V 額定電流:4.5A 額定轉矩:40Ncm 額定速度:2860rpm 空載摩擦轉矩:11Ncm 峰值失速扭矩:330Ncm 無負載轉速:5560rpm Z大輸出功率:260W 標準功率:120W
Rossi減速機RIV32UO3A Universal mounting design Rigid and precise monolithic casing in cast iron Cylindrical worm shaft with ground and super finished involute profile (ZI)